Create Your Life of Adventure, Part 2

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How to Create Your Life of Adventure is a 5-part series created to guide you on a journey to choosing adventure every day at home and away. In this series, you will learn what it means to choose adventure and how you too can live a life of adventure in pursuit of the life you deeply desire and love.
It is never too late to become more adventurous, so join me today on this adventure-journey.
New to the series? Read these before continuing.
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Before you start cultivating an adventure perspective, you need to understand what the adventure perspective is, as defined here at Leavenworth Adventures. Here is the breakdown for you.



Your particular attitude toward or way of seeing and approaching your life. 



  • EXPLORE unknown territories.
  • Have exciting or remarkable EXPERIENCEs.
  • PARTICIPATE in exciting, possibly risky, activities. 
When you put this all together you have the…



An attitude and approach to life, where you see everything as an opportunity for adventure, an opportunity to explore, experience and participate.
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Is this what you want for your life? I didn’t even know I wanted this for my life until I experienced it and realized how wonderful and freeing it is to have this adventure perspective. Seeing everything as an opportunity for adventure and no longer letting my fears stop me from living life to the fullest has opened my eyes to the endless possibilities this world has to offer and has given me a greater excitement for this life and my future. I am so excited to explore the world, fully experience everything around me, and participate in a lot of new activities I have been curious about or interested in for a while. I feel like nothing can hold me back from living the life I deeply desire and love.
And I want this so badly for you, this freedom and excitement for life! So let’s see what we can do about it. 🙂
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To cultivate this adventure perspective in your life, start by evaluating your current life perspective.

Ask yourself the following questions and spend time thinking about your answers. Write your thoughts down or keep them in the back of your mind as you continue this journey.

  • What would you say your current life perspective is?
  • How do you view and approach life?
  • Do you tend to see life in a more negative or more positive light?
  • Do you approach life with fear or with excitement?
  • Do you spend time worrying about what might go wrong or do you spend time thinking about all the possibilities?
  • Or maybe a combination of these? And maybe it depends on the situation?
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If you aren’t already doing so, I encourage you to be writing all your dreams and thoughts down in a journal while going through this series. It is always beneficial to put thoughts down on paper and to be able to look back on and reflect as life moves forward and your current dreams and desires morph and change over the years. If you don’t have a journal at home, here are some fun options worth checking out.

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After thinking about your current life perspective, think back to your dreams from Part 1, or reread Part 1 if you need to be reminded.

Use your dreams and the desires you discovered to help you look ahead and visualize what you want your ideal life to look like and who you ideally want to be. Visualize your ideal future and what you want most out of this life. Write it down.

Dreaming about and visualizing your future is so important to creating your life of adventure. By dreaming and visualizing, you focus on the long-term results, the end goals. This helps to keep your perspective in the right place and it helps you to prioritize and be intentional when making choices and decisions.

As we move on, continue to focus on the visualization of your future. This is what will guide you through the shift in your perspective, the shift from your current life perspective to the adventure perspective.

Now let’s look at that shift.

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Here is how the shift happens. The more you focus on your future visualization, and your dreams and desires, the more you will start to…
Focus on what is ahead instead of what you will leave behind.
Focus on all the potential possibilities instead of the what-ifs.
Focus on the positive instead of the negative.
Focus on what you will gain instead of what you will lose.
Focus on the adventure instead of the fears.
Do you see a trend?
When you realize the possibilities are endless and you start to get excited about what is waiting for you, your fears and excuses start to fade. You become so focused and excited about where you are going and what’s next, you are more willing to face your fears and participate in activities you wouldn’t have been willing to participate in previously, or explore new areas you weren’t interested in previously.
You will discover something new you want to try or somewhere new you want to go, and instead of letting your fears and excuses rear their ugly heads, you instantly add it to your list of adventures to pursue. It is truly amazing!
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Start cultivating your adventure perspective today. Use your dreams and desires to visualize and focus on the life you want. Open your eyes to the possibilities. See everything as an adventure.

Your potential and the possibilities are endless and it is never too late to pursue the life you deeply desire and love. Never! 

Continue to dream big and open your eyes to a world of adventure,

Corene at Leavenworth Adventures


Continue reading the series here: How to Create Your Life of Adventure, Part 3: Choose Adventure

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